Keep your Edge. PERFORM TO Your Potential.
Coaching for the hungry YET humble person.
Mentoring and Coaching without the fluff or BS.
You set high standards for yourself, proud to go all in and deliver brilliant work. You’re NEVER done, YET YOUR BUSINESS cannot be to the detriment of your impressive personal life.
You’re an asset to your industry and want to give more, you have so much drive. You want to progress your business or career to achieve more and earn more. But you aren’t going to compromise your values to do so. Nice people can be successful without losing their reputation and values.
You are not known for your ego and you don’t have airtime for the serial complainers - those behaviours don’t help you, you’re self aware enough to know that.
Your team is restricting your growth, they aren’t doing what you need. They expect too much from you. something has to change, you know better then to let a situation stagnate.
So it’s time to start focusing on your leadership and performance development to achieve your goals.
You need a professional partner that you can trust, your #1 supporter, they ‘get you’, they know what you need and when you need it; reliable reassurance, sometimes a kick up the arse as we all do from time-to-time 😉.
What’s the difference between chatting with your friend in the cafe and working with a Leadership coach? Well, with the latter you will have an unbiased discussion that goes as deep as needed with tangible outcomes. Friends, family and colleagues may have their own agenda, deliberately or not. They may unconsciously project their own beliefs and fears which are unhelpful for your growth. Genuine Coaches have robust training with on-going CPD. A conversation with a coach is more than just coffee & a chat. It’s business and personal development.
I have worked in corporate and been a business owner. I have relatable experience, I ‘get it’. I have seen the good and bad and know what I’m talking about.
I’m your partner!
With my experience and my International Coaching Federation (ICF) training, we’ll create your plan to smash the hurdles, you’ll rise to where you want to be. Let’s go!
My courses
I am excellent at listening. Great at problem-solving. I LOVE TO help WITH CONSTRUCTIVE ChallengING DISCUSSION. YOU WONT FIND ME criticisING or judgING - THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU NEED.
I truly believe we can achieve what we aim for, especially when we have help from others to overcome that negative inner chatter and external influences that don’t have to hold us back.
I have invested in gaining experience and training to deliver what I had always wished for in my professional life; an unbiased, confidential coach. I am great at cheerleading (you should hear me on the rugby pitch :-D). But I’ll also hold you to account.
I am bored of the workplace BS, because it’s personality stifling and frankly unnecessary in 2024. Can we stop ‘circling back” and “touching base” please?!
Kind words
Learn to Lead
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Become the Leader that you had wished for!